Off Grid
Powering light art in remote places using solar panels and used EV batteries.

Off-Grid strated when we tested a new version of Circular Echoes at a secret location in the Cotswolds (a UK conservation area local to the Squidsoup studio), creating The Power of Art. Since then, we’ve presented Off-Grid artworks across the UK.
Environmental impact is something we’re acutely aware of when making our artworks. In an effort to combat this, we create works that are able to withstand repeat showings to audiences around the world, reusing materials and components as often as possible.
Our components are selected for their robustness and power efficiency, and installations using our AudioWAVE technology require surprisingly little power – drawing less than 4.8W at peak load.
Each component within our installations is reusable, from high efficiency LEDs and AudioWAVE orbs to reusable cable ties. We believe that sustainability needs to be at the core of our work and that it is essential for us to continue to practise within the field of digital art.
Over the years we’ve been lucky to exhibit at some wonderful places. However, powering the work has often involved the use of generators rather than mains power because of their location – a classic example was showing Desert Wave at Burning Man (2019).
Power is part of the logistics of running a festival, a winter light trail, a live event etc., and if generators are used they often power the whole site. Burning man is different, the generator was close to our artwork – and only powered our artwork. It was solely there for us. The artwork and its power became part of a whole.
This consolidated thoughts we were already having about the responsibilities of an artwork to its environment, and the communities it serves.
Most recently, we’ve presented Off-Grid artworks at Glastonbury and SIRF.
Our aim is that we’ll be able to keep presenting these artworks in increasingly remote locations, continuing to test the boundaries of digital public art.
Our effort towards sustainability is something we hope others will embrace as we continue to develop new artworks and share the things we’ve learnt, looking towards a more sustainable future for public outdoor experiences.
Thanks to our partners in the development of our Off-Grid artworks:
SIRF (Stockton International Riverside Festival)
Cleevely Electric Vehicles
Cotswolds National Landscape
Home Abbey Farm