WaveLight (2014)
Visitors create turbulence and waves of light through their movement. The emitted light illuminates the entire space in a fluid ever-changing cycle.
WaveLight uses a large video wall to represent a self-contained dynamic ecosystem of forces and elements that are affected by time and passers-by. The screen becomes a vast virtual container, housing a volume of luminous virtual liquid that reflects out onto the physical world. The liquid is in a state of permanent flux, as it is buffeted and stirred by numerous forces, created by the passing of time and people.
The boundaries between the physical and the virtual are blurred in another way – we considered the impact of the screen within the space as what it really is – a massive light, which has a dramatic effect on its surroundings. WaveLight has one very dominant colour. The colour changes slowly over time, illuminating the foyer space in a rich monotone hue that slowly moves through the colour spectrum, marking the passing of time.
WaveLight is part of a permanent exhibit at Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus, Andrea Arntzens hus, Pilestredet 32, Oslo.
The piece is one of three works that share a 16m x 4m screen by the main auditorium. Other works by Marius Watz and Bård Ask – if you are visiting, it may be worth enquiring as to which work is running.
The works were commissioned by KORO, Norway’s national public art scheme.